Discipleship Now (D-Now) youth weekend!

Our middle and high school students had a weekend filled with fun and fellowship, and a wonderful time of Bible study led by Anderson University BCM “GOTeam” student leaders.

One of the GO Team Leaders, Olivia, shared her thoughts about their time together: “I think that the weekend was really special, and I enjoyed encountering students in various stages in their faith journeys. The way they listened and asked hard questions shows a desire to grow deeper in relationship with God and make their faith their own. Not only did they show interest in learning more about God’s heart, but they also related well to each other and to the leaders upon meeting us for the first time! They were welcoming, funny, and loving. I could not tell which students knew each other previously or went to school together, which shows intentional unity among our next generation of leaders!”

Quin, another of the AU GO Team leaders, had this to say: “I believe the weekend and the messages themselves were received well by the kids. The vast majority were willing and desiring to hear the Bible teaching in both the large group sessions and the small group sessions. I believe there is definitely heart change beginning for many of the kids there. I don’t think there was a single kid there who wasn’t having fun; everyone was getting involved and being talkative. The youth group is tight knit, and y’all truly have an amazing group of kids there!”

Thank you, AU GO Team and WEBC volunteers, for making this a memorable weekend of spiritual growth for these 18 middle and high school students. God is GOOD!