Scott Stephens, Pastor of Biblical Counseling
Scott Stephens is the founder and director of Covenant Counseling Center, and the counseling pastor at West End Baptist Church’s West End Counseling Center.
Scott serves as the executive director of the Upcountry Biblical Counseling Training Center. Scott earned his MA in Biblical Counseling at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and his PhD in Biblical Counseling at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Scott is an Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC), certified biblical counselor with a specialization in marriage and family counseling. Scott is currently a “Fellow Candidate” with ACBC.
Our biblical West End Counseling Center is an important part of the discipleship ministry of West End Baptist Church. Paul, in Colossians 3:16a, says “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom…” We believe that it is essential for any church’s discipleship ministry to have both a teaching arm and an admonishment arm. Therefore, this counseling ministry will provide occasional courses during CLA (parenting, marriage, etc.) and will offer times for individual and family counseling for those in need.
West End Counseling Center at West End Baptist Church
The mission of West End Baptist Church is to glorify God by making mature disciples of all nations – starting here in the West End of Greenville.
Following Christ includes using the gifts God has given to show love to others. Christ illustrated in the Parable of the Talents, that he expects us to use our God-given gifts in faithful service to him. In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Christ teaches that we are to show mercy and love to our neighbors, people who need help that we can supply.
Biblical counseling is a ministry of the Word in which counselors help individuals to understand and apply Scripture to their problems. As a result, such persons learn to follow Christ and honor God more fully. God has gifted people at West End Baptist Church with the knowledge, skills, and desire to do biblical counseling.
Our commitment is first to counsel the members of our own church; then, we will provide counseling to those outside our congregation as God brings people across our path. In this way, we show mercy to those in need and build up the Church in our community. Thus, counselors are following Christ as they minister, and counselees are being helped to become followers of Christ who honor God in all of life.
We strive to accomplish our mission by:
- Connecting people with God by sharing the gospel and through worship
- Connecting people with the congregation through small groups, ministry, and fellowship opportunities
- Connecting people with our community through evangelistic and service opportunities
If you or someone you know is in need of Christian counseling, please let us know. There are a few ways to inquire about counseling:
- Indicate on Sunday Worship Guide tear-off sheet at church
- Call the church office at 864-232-7312
- Email the church office
- Complete the Personal Data Inventory questionnaire online by clicking here. (Your Personal Data Inventory is completely confidential and will be emailed directly to Counseling Pastor Scott Stephens.)
- Sign the counseling agreement available for download by clicking HERE.
- Fees for counseling services are based on income
“Counseling, to be Christian, must be carried on in harmony with the regenerating and sanctifying work of the Spirit.” – Jay Adams