The Road to the Cross

Hallelujah! What a Savior! This month we are going to be studying just a few of the events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.  We’ll start in the upper room, move to the court of Pilate, then to Calvary, and finally to the empty tomb. 

What’s There to Worry About?

When in circumstances beyond my control, my worry was something that I had to address. My greatest obstacle was my lack of faith; would God help me? I remembered that Scripture claims that I should not be anxious about anything, but in everything, I should make my requests known to God (Phil 4:6-9).

Ladies Event: Christine Chappell!

Have you ever struggled to believe in God’s goodness in the midst of your grief? Do you sometimes wonder how to understand your pain in light of God’s promise? When disappointment and discouragement linger, it can be easy to lose hope. But there is mercy to be found and behold, even in our dark days.