The Only Goal That Matters
I believe the New Year is a time to “start anew.” During December, I’m always introspective, thinking about my accomplishments and failures, hoping to come up with new goals to help me have a better upcoming year.
The Season of Hope
This is the Season of Hope! Let’s not forget to be thankful for the most important thing we have…a right relationship with God because of our Savior.
What’s Your Most Important Activity?
Occasionally, I listen to motivational podcasts, hoping to glean some tidbits that will help me be more effective in my job and other aspects of my life.
During a morning exercise, I recently listened as a motivational coach asked, “What is your most important activity?” I make it a part of my routine to think about priorities and goals, and I regularly think about the most crucial activity I need to accomplish during the day. This question was different, though. The coach asked about the activity that drives me, the one that helps me align all the other activities that consume not just my day but the purpose of my life.
What’s Your Andy Griffith Show?
Last Sunday, our pastor, Marty, said something that resonated with me during his sermon. He was preaching about God’s pruning of His children, as taught in John 15:2. As he taught us, he said, “We clutter our lives with things of no eternal value.” The Lord pierced my heart with that statement. Since then, I’ve considered many ways I have literally “wasted” my time.
Self-centered lately?
Advertisements are created to shape attitudes, create desires, and influence the social norms of a society. Our culture bombards us with product advertisements that play to our self-esteem. Daily, we hear ads telling us how important we are and how we should strive to make ourselves happy.
Scripture’s Sufficiency for Life & Godliness: Relying on God’s Word
Self-help books are everywhere; even Christian bookstores have shelves packed with them. These books claim to provide guidance on just about every topic imaginable. However, not all books labeled as “Christian” are what they claim to be.