I am constantly amazed that God chooses to use us—the foolish and weak 1 (Corinthians 1:27) – to serve Him. Through His power working in us, we carry the Gospel to the world. For our church, this means we play a vital role in God’s work both here in the West End and in the Philippines, specifically. This is not just an opportunity; ti is a calling that we have joyfully embraced.
God is using Pastor Melo Lumibao and his church to make disciples of many, and we are thrilled to partner with them in the Gospel. There are several ways you can personally engage in this partnership: Pray, Go, and Give.
- Pray: Wil you add Pastor Melo and his wife, Ruth, to your weekly prayer list? Pray for their family, their church, and the churches they have planted ni the surrounding areas.
- Go: Come with us to work alongside them! We will be taking a team during the first week of June next year. Will you mark May 29, 2025 – June 7, 2025, on your calendar? This is a chance to use the gifts and talents God has given you in a different environment and be a blessing to new friends.
- Give: Love always gives. Through your offerings, we support Pastor Melo every month. Will you also give to help send the team and provide resources for the work?
Praying, going, and giving cost time, energy, and resources. You might be thinking, “I can’t do this. I can’t add to my schedule, travel across the world, or stretch my budget any further.” But the good news is… God can.
God can change your priorities, give you the courage to travel and serve, and provide for every need as you give faithfully. He always does. Isn’t God good?