It’s Here! The holiday rush that began with our Trunk or Treat neighborhood outreach, runs through Thanksgiving, celebrates the birth of Jesus at Christmas, and then ends at the starting line of a New Year. My prayer for us all is that we do far more than survive the season. Every gathering, every gift, every interaction, is an opportunity for you to Glorify God. In a culture that is consumed with what to eat and drink, what to wear, and laying up treasures for ourselves, it is so important that we realize that life is so much more than food and clothes and that the treasures that last are stored in heaven! This December invest time with family or friends for Jesus’ sake. You’ll be amazed at how God will impact your life when you share Him with others.
Suzanne and I are so blessed to be a part of this congregation! We appreciate the cards and gifts we received from you all more than we can express! I’m a little concerned that you know us so well…(Suzanne’s favorite restaurants and coffee and chocolate for me!)… but that is part of what being family is all about. We love you!
Celebrating our Savior,