Sermon Series
It is hard to understand the changes we have seen in our world in just a few years, particularly related to human sexuality and personal identity. While sinful behavior is as old as Adam and Eve, I don’t know of any previous society or culture that has struggled to define a man or woman. I’ll be preaching on “Christ, Culture, and Sexuality” over the next several weeks. We’ll be taking a deep look at marriage, singleness, and the LGBTQ movement, with a particular emphasis on the hot topic of the day, the transgender movement. We’ll learn how to stand firm and engage the culture and people we face with grace and truth. The challenges we face are, in reality, opportunities for the Gospel. I look forward to spending this time with you.
I will be out of the office for vacation/sabbatical during July. Half the time will be grandchild intensive (a real blessing for us), and the other half in studies and personal preparation for preaching through the life of Christ next year. I appreciate your prayers. I am grateful for Scott Stephens, preaching through the book of James in July, and for the leaders serving you while I am away. It gives me great comfort to know there are people able and ready to pray, counsel, and shepherd our church family.

The best time of the year is right around the corner – Summer! I hope you enjoy the heat, vacations, and time with family and friends as much as I will. With the change in routines that summer brings, it can be easy to let important things disappear. I want to encourage you to make this summer a time of drawing closer to God. First, stay in His Word. Keep up with our daily bible reading plan, talk about your reading with a friend, and ask them to keep you accountable. Worship – take every opportunity to worship and honor God as your schedules adjust this summer, including worshiping with your church family. Give – with so many activities it can be easy to let temporary things replace your priority of giving to God and His work. Giving is a part of worship that demonstrates our love for God. And, serve – through Vacation Bible School, ministry teams, and in your neighborhood. These are a few things that will deepen your walk with God over the summer months.