Scott Stephens is the counseling pastor at West End Baptist Church’s West End Counseling Center, a board member of Redeemer Biblical Counseling Training Institute, and a PhD student in the Biblical Counseling Program at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. To find out more about our counseling center (WECC), please call the church at 864-232-7312.
The Season of Hope
The holiday season is here.
I’ve mentioned to friends that I started listening to Christmas music in mid-September. I do this because I love Christmas! The festivities, the parties, the decorations, and the food. My family has a tradition of traveling to North Carolina to cut a tree for our home, and my wife always decorates our home beautifully. I want to have as much “Christmas experience” as possible. I don’t want it to pass by too quickly. But inevitably, it does. That’s why I usually start early.
With all the celebrations, it’s easy to overlook the reality of Christmas. When viewed rightly, Christmas is the Season of Hope. For the believer, Christmas emphasizes the fact that God loves us! He loves us so much that He sent His Son to save us.
Luke writes, “The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord (Luke 2:10-12).”
The true joy of Christmas comes in the realization that God sent His Son to be our Messiah, our Savior. As our Savior, Jesus lived a sinless life and willingly sacrificed Himself for us. This is why we are celebrating Christmas as the Season of Hope.
Hope is found in our relationship with God. We have that relationship because God loved us enough to send His Son to us with a promise, “Whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life” (John 3:16). For those of us who believe that Jesus was sent to save us from the adversary, ourselves and this world, hope abounds.
Hope came as a helpless baby. He lived a sinless and obedient life. He died on the cross for us, and he was raised after three days in the grave. Hope now stands at the right hand of God, advocating for all who have accepted Him as their Savior. Our Hope is Jesus!
This is the Season of Hope! Let’s not forget to be thankful for the most important thing we have…a right relationship with God because of our Savior.
Throughout the holidays, let’s remember to have the proper perspective regarding the season; it’s Jesus we are celebrating.