by Pastor Marty Price
I know it is a cliché, but didn’t this January fly past? Time is constant, but it sure seems relative (and frankly, it seems like it’s speeding up)! We moved into our new facility less than 2 months ago, and it is starting to feel like a home. I am thrilled to report to you that it is already being used for worship and classes, bible study and small group meetings, community organizations and outreaches, and more. Praise the Lord! I do want to emphasize the need to complete a “green sheet” for when your ministry team, small group, committee, or other groups would like to reserve space in the building. Not every date or space may be available, and this will help us make sure there are no conflicts.
“I am one who loved not wisely but too well” is a quote from Shakespeare, learned back in my school days, that I have been reminded of as I’ve been studying Romans 12. Granted, it is used by Othello to explain why he killed his wife in a jealous rage, so it’s pretty clear that he loved neither wisely nor well. It is, however, essential that we as God’s family and fellow steadfast servants, learn to love wisely and well.
During February we will be studying, and prayerfully applying, God’s command to love one another wisely and well. We’ll see what God’s Word says about keeping our relationships right, being agreeable when we disagree, how to be both honest and loving, how to love others when they don’t love us in return, and more.
Paul’s description of the Christians in Thessalonica is true of you as well, “concerning brotherly love you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another, for that is indeed what you are doing…” Learning to love wisely and well, however, is not automatic, and God uses Paul to “urge [us] to do this more and more.” Now is our opportunity to deliberately think about and work at loving others more. I’m glad to be your fellow servant as we grow together in love!