The church youth enjoyed a few days away from normal rhythm and routines (without electronics!) at Bonclarken Conference Center in Flat Rock, NC during our Fall Retreat. Fifteen youth got to experience time together studying the Bible, introducing a new book resource to help their season of life: 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity by Rebecca McLaughlin, and enjoy some great food, fellowship, and recreation. We ended one evening with a bonfire and time studying through scripture references of a praise song, and an opportunity of singing with the help of Jill McAleer. We concluded our time with a special fellowship day at the SC State Fair in Columbia, SC. Thanks to all who prayed for our time away and provided financial support through your offerings to make this opportunity available for all, regardless of one’s ability to pay! Special thanks to Patty Saxe and Sharon Bannister for their awesome chaperoning (teaching, crafts and more), and Jill McAleer, Emily Foster and Pastor Marty for making the trip the best possible experience for the youth! Thanks to Jeannie Davis, Ashley Pearce and Vangie Yau for providing excellent food for the trip! We can’t wait until our next opportunity to gather!
By Mark Foster