Here are a few things for you to be aware of moving into the new year.
DBR – Daily Bible Reading – Our focus as a congregation this year is the life of Christ. Starting with His birth (Christmas time) we will walk with him through a study of the Gospels. Our approach to DBR will be significantly different than in previous years. Our reading plan will lead you to read through the Gospels four (4) times this year. The first quarter we will read book by book, then April – June we will read chronologically through the Gospels. We will repeat the pattern again for the last half of the year. As we read together, I pray you will have a deeper understanding and greater appreciation for Jesus, and a more intimate relationship with Him. Click here to follow the reading on our website.
Church Leader Training – In January we begin a Church Leadership Cohort. This is a 9-month long class conducted as a series of seminars. We will cover essential church leadership topics including Prayer, Biblical Leadership, Gospel-Centered Church, Polity & Processes, Pastoral Care, Adversity and Perseverance, and Preaching/Teaching. Each month we will cover a different topic, and each student will be given a lesson to complete and a book to read in preparation for the 3-hour seminar. Anyone aspiring to the office of Elder needs to go through this class. This is going to be GREAT! You must register for this class. (Click to register here.)

Interested in learning more about West End Baptist, or becoming a member? Our next class will be Sunday, February 18th. Call the office at 864.232.7312 or register for the class at this link.
During this time there will be instruction and interaction, and one of our goals is to introduce you to people that you don’t know, or don’t know well. It is our hope that you will form lasting relationships and strengthen existing relationships through our time together.
We hope this short class will be informative and a blessing to all who attend. Register to attend here!