It’s mid-October, nearing the end of the year and the completion of the new West End Baptist Church building! At this point, everything is still on schedule for us to have our first services in the new building at Christmas. Wall paint is nearly finished, cabinets and some plumbing has been installed. The morning light from the windows in the multi-purpose room (sanctuary) is beautiful. Our church family will have a wonderful place to worship and to invite others to worship and fellowship together, and very soon!
Here’s the progress report from WM Jordan:
- Johnson Electric continued light fixture trim-out, wired up AH’s 1 and 2, and prepared for overhead inspection.
- Thomas Mechanical trimmed out diffusers, installed duct detectors, insulated ductwork, and started up AH’s 1 and 2.
- Raby Construction worked on dressing up grading around site and removing remaining trees and bushes.
- Blue Arc Metals laid out the copper wall panels for review with WMJ, GCA, and PSBC.
- AFD Construction dressed up ceiling insulation ahead of our inspection at the end of the week.
- Woodco installed the window sills in the Sanctuary.
- BMG installed equipment racks and terminated CAT6.
Please continue to pray for everyone involved in making our move back to the West End. Thank you for your support!